Patrikios Pavlou & Associates’ LLC banking and finance department experienced a rapid expansion and it continuously receives new requests. The department is mainly involved in challenging and complex corporate finance transactions, project and asset finance matters in Cyprus and abroad and and has extensive experience in securitization issues.

Expert professional legal advice is offered to major national and international banks, industrial organizations, multinationals, financial institutions and other companies in the financial services sector. The recovery section of the Firm’s banking practice regularly handles inquiries from various local and international banks on complicated recovery cases.

The partners’ extensive expertise in banking and finance, in combination with their experience in major international cases, make the department one of the most competitive in its area. Stavros Pavlou, Senior & Managing Partner, being both an economist (BSc Economics of Industry & Trade, LSE, UK) as well as a Barrister at Law (Gray’s Inn, UK) and Lia Iordanou Theodoulou, Corporate Finance Partner.

The Banking & Finance department provides effective and professional legal advice and guidance to clients including:

  • Corporate finance
  • Structured finance
  • Project finance
  • Acquisition finance
  • Equity and debt finance
  • Ship finance
  • Equity investment
  • Restructurings and reorganisations
  • Derivative and securities lending transactions
  • Repurchase agreements [REPOs]
  • General banking
  • Recovery of loans
  • Lease and hire-purchase agreements
  • Letters of credit and bank guarantees
  • Offerings and listings in international stock exchanges

Sample of Major Cases Handled

  • Advising an International bank in relation to several facility agreements provided to one of the top 10 nitrogen fertilizer producers in the world. We were instructed to advise on three facility agreements amounting to USD 850 million,  USD 7 billion and EUR 450 million, for purchasing purposes, refinancing of loans and repayment of debts respectively.
  • Advising a major International bank in relation to an amendment agreement to a EUR 260 million facility agreement and to certain security amendment agreements, pursuant to which certain pledges provided in the first phase of the transaction are being partially released.
  • We were asked to advise on the global restructuring, carried out by a major International bank on existing facility agreements with various companies of a large international oilfield service group with operations in the Central and Southern Asia, and Middle East, whereby the existing multiple facility agreements with 6 borrowers (Cyprus, Austria, Netherlands and Jersey) will be replaced with two new master facility agreements governed by English law (value USD 1.53 billion).
  • Advised the corporate and investment banking division of an American financial and banking corporation in relation to a USD 150 million margin loan transaction, which involved intra group loans of over USD 200 million, subordination issues, South African share security, security assignment and other security agreements.
  • Allen & Overy, London involved us in an aviation financing matter in order to provide our assistance regarding the novation of a USD 50 million aircraft financing transaction involving two aircrafts of an international leading provider of aircraft leasing services.  The case involved Cypriot, Greek, Cayman and French entities.
  • We have been involved in the financing of a 75-metre motor yacht, amounting USD 50 million, made available by a large Swiss Bank.  We provided advice to the group and the Cyprus borrower, as well as other group companies providing collateral in the form of share pledges, ship mortgage, general assignments, and reviewed other BVI documents from a Cyprus law perspective.
  • We have been instructed by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and the International Securities Lending Association (ISLA) to provide the Cyprus Industry Opinion on REPO and Securities Lending agreements for the 10th consecutive year (2008-2017). The Opinion is available to all professional members of the ICMA and ISLA.
  • Advised the London branch of a multinational banking and financial services corporation  in relation to a repurchase transaction with a Cyprus company, involving securities in a precious metal mining company, which are listed on the London Stock Exchange. Its importance lies on the prestigious client, the complexity of the matters involved and the transaction’s value (USD 25 million).
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Senior Partner – Head of Corporate Finance
Partner - Corporate Finance, Tax, Private Client
Partner - Financial, Corporate, M&A
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