Certified Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training Centre

We are honoured that Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC has been certified by the Cyprus Bar Association (CBA) as a Continuing Professional Development Training Centre, which aims in supporting the advancement of expertise within the legal sector.

The Continuing Professional Development is a lifelong process of learning and is required of most individual professionals. It aims at the enhancement of personal skills and knowledge and helps ensure competence to practice, encompassing the development of technical competence, but also personal, business and ethical skills. The Board of Directors of the CBA states that it is mandatory for all registered lawyers in Cyprus to attend accredited legal education programs, should they wish to be provided with the renewal of their practicing license.

As a leading law firm in Cyprus, and recently highly ranked for its great understanding of business and innovative and strategic thinking, we are thrilled that we will contribute to this ongoing process. Through seminars, lectures and structured face-to-face training activities, we aim in assisting professionals to achieve their personal development goals, and as a certified training centre, we will award participants with certified continuous professional development credits. Detailed information for each training program will be provided through the Cyprus Bar Association’s web portal and on https://www.pavlaw.com/en/news/ppp-100/.

We look forward to this new challenge, engaging in the provision of top quality professional legal services.

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